Kailash was an 8th-grade student at Stansford International School, Puducherry, when he connected with Ekam. He had excelled with a 92% score in the 7th grade. He continues to be one of the brightest students in his class with keen interest in Mathematics and English subjects. Kailash faced adversity when his father passed away from pulmonary tuberculosis and Covid Pneumonia in April 2021. Kailash’s mother, coping with her own health issues, relied on a monthly widow’s pension of Rs. 2,000. Financial constraints led the family to live with Kailash’s grandparents and maternal uncle, the latter being a fresher at Muthu Finance and pursuing further studies. Kailash’s grandfather contributed as a driver. Despite these challenges, Kailash, the sole child, aspires to join the Indian Army, demonstrating resilience amid adversity. The family’s situation prompted Ekam Foundation Mumbai to step in and support Kailash’s education.

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